May Arts Marathon:

Lauren Olitski CASP Arts Marathon

May Arts Marathon Participant: Lauren Olitski

Mission: Paint, paint, paint!

Message: I’m honored to be supporting the work of CASP. The Community Asylum Seekers Project is an organization of caring and dedicated staff and volunteers in Southern Vermont who are building support for people who’ve risked everything in hopes of finding a better life in America. Their clients come from Honduras, Sudan, Colombia, Afghanistan, Ghana, Russia, Mexico, Cuba, and several other countries. They come here having experienced violence and terror in their own countries. CASP provides basic needs and services: food, shelter, medical and mental health services, language learning, job training, and school enrollment. Now more than ever they need our support. The May Arts Marathon is CASP’s key fundraiser. CASP hopes to raise $50,000 this year. Sponsors like you are key to CASP being able to support its mission of cultivating a supportive community for asylum seekers in Southern Vermont, while fulfilling basic needs and accompanying them on their journey towards building a better life in America. The May Arts Marathon is a community effort. Artists support their vision for a just world by sending copies of their creative work to sponsors like you 5 days a week for the month of May. Sponsors donate to support this work. Together we support asylum seekers who, in turn, enrich our lives. I hope you’ll consider sponsoring me. I’ll paint 5 days a week for the month of May and share images as I go. All of the contributions to CASP will go towards supporting asylum seekers in Southern Vermont

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View our Facebook page for updates on the marathon