Our goal is to create a central place for volunteers, asylum seekers, or anyone to look when they need quick information about resources for support – and also to curate a living document of helpful resources and readings about asylum policy and the lived experience of the process asylum seekers are going through.
If you have any feedback or additions to the document, please email volunteering@caspvt.org
In Vermont
Experienced Goods (if you are experiencing homelessness or financial difficulty, you can get a voucher through SEVCA)
Shelters & Housing/Albergues & Alojamiento:
Legal help (non-immigration)/Ayuda legal (no de inmigración):
Whippersnappers (if you are experiencing homelessness or financial difficulty, you can get a voucher through SEVCA)
Driver’s licenses/licencias de conducir:
Asylum seekers in Vermont are eligible for driver’s licenses. If an employee at the DMV insists that someone’s immigration status makes them ineligible, please point them to this page of their website.
Los solicitantes de asilo en Vermont son elegibles para obtener licencias de conducir. Si un empleado del DMV insiste en que el estatus migratorio de alguien lo hace inelegible, por favor indíquele esta página de su sitio web.