The work of CASP is only possible through the support of our donors and partners. We are grateful for their commitment to supporting asylum seekers and creating welcoming and inclusive communities. If you’re looking for ways to support CASP’s efforts or have ideas you’d like to propose, please visit our Donate page.

What Partners Are Saying

“CASP’s courageous stand for the human rights of asylum seekers challenges us to open our hearts, our homes, and our wallets. We have sponsored popular concerts to benefit CASP and have shared a portion of our offering plate annually. In return, CASP enriches us as a spur to humanitarian action.”

“With CASP we have an opportunity to support an organization of local community members who volunteer their home and their time in an effort that directly helps our global neighbors; real people who are in real need. Additionally, I am a firm believer that communities with a diverse range of life experiences makes for a stronger and richer community.”

“Every December we donate the proceeds from our choral concerts to a worthy cause – some local, some international. When we learned of the great work CASP is doing right here in our community, we knew it would be our next beneficiary! Thank you CASP for the great humanitarian work you are doing!”
Mary Cay Brass – River Singers and Greenfield Harmony

"Last year I noticed that some of my Facebook friends were using their birthdays to raise awareness and funds for their favorite cause. Immediately I thought of CASP. Many of my Facebook friends live in other parts of the country. What a great opportunity to tell them about CASP’s important work and fill the CASP coffers at the same time. I set my donation goal at $1,000 and it worked!” To find out how you can do this on Facebook, click here, and select Fundraisers for Charitable Organizations.